

We are all responsible for the high regard in which our tradition-steeped company is held, as well as ensuring that we do not damage the reputation of our brands and the quality of our products through illegal or irresponsible behaviour.

Our Code of Conduct consists of the following Principles:

  1. Decisions are not to be influenced by personal interests and are only to be made in the interests of the company.
  2. We condemn any form of discrimination for reasons of ethical origin, religion, political conviction, gender, physical constitution, appearance, age or sexual orientation.
  3. Problems or tensions should be addressed directly through open discussion in a respectful manner.
  4. We make careful use of the corporate assets and ensure their optimal use in the interests of our corporation.
  5. Circumstances that could lead to conflicts between official duties and personal interests must be avoided.
  6. Business decisions are made on the basis of verifiable commercial risk-benefit analyses and documented accordingly.
  7. Our success is based on quality and competence. We therefore do not tolerate any kind of bribery, corruption, extortion or embezzlement.
  8. The protection of and respect for all people are our priority. We therefore reject any form of forced labour and child labour.
  9. We are committed to making sparing use of natural resources. All locations therefore aspire to continually improve our energy and environmental performance.
  10. We comply with the respectively applicable version of the laws and regulatory requirements.


The Code of Conduct cannot anticipate all responses to individual circumstances.

The following questions must always be answerable with “YES” and can therefore serve as a guideline precisely in cases of doubt:

  • Is my decision legal?
  • Is my decision in accordance with the rules/guidelines of our company?
  • Has my decision been taken in the best interest of our company?
  • Is my decision free of competing self-interests?
  • Is my decision in keeping with my own conscience?
  • Can I transparently disclose my decision to the public?
  • Would my decision also withstand a third-party check?
  • Is the good reputation of our company maintained by my decision?

For questions or doubts as to whether one's conduct or a measure is "compliant", the employee shall seek advice at all times from his superior or from a Department such as Human Resources or the Legal Department.

Openness and trust are basically the most effective means of limiting or averting imminent damage caused by misconduct.

We do not tolerate any violations against internal policies or the statutory provisions, irrespective of the hierarchical position of an employee. Eventual violations can lead to disciplinary measures, labour sanctions and further legal action.

JOST provides a compliance reporting system (SpeakUp) which enables employees and business partners to report potential compliance violations. This system is operated by an external service provider, guaranteeing full anonymity of the reporter. Reports may be given on a website operated by the Service Provider or by telephone; details including the link to the website and the telephone number can be found on the intranet and on the JOST website on the internet. All reports are taken seriously, treated with absolute confidentiality and processed by the JOST compliance organisation.

Neu-Isenburg, 30 July, 2018

The Management Board

Code of Conduct - Verhaltenskodex07/2018
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Supplier Codex

All companies supplying JOST are obligated to adhere to the principles specified in the Supplier Codex

Long-term, trusting partnerships and adhering to applicable laws represent the basis for our collaboration.

Supplier Code of Conduct07/2018
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These policies apply to all JOST locations and provide a binding basis for social and industrial relations within JOST.
They serve as a benchmark for shaping relationships with suppliers and other business partners.

Human Rights Policy short version10/2023
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Human and Labor Rights Policy01/2023
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Report Misconduct

If you have experienced or witnessed or suspect misconduct by a JOST employee, manager or other individual related to JOST, the JOST management encourages you to report such behavior using the SpeakUp misconduct reporting system.

This communication tool gives you the opportunity to raise concerns confidentially, anony-mously, and in your own language. SpeakUp is run by an independent service provider and is available 24/7/365.

How does it work: You can leave a message online via web. When you leave your message, you will receive a personal 6 digit case number that you must remember. The JOST Chief Compliance Officer receives your translated message within one working day, and will be able to further confidentially communicate with you via SpeakUp. It is important that you re-turn to SpeakUp using your 6 digit case number, so you can follow-up on your case and read the reply that was left for you. It is also possible to upload documentation into SpeakUp.

How to report:

  1. Visit the SpeakUp website at
  2. Choose your country
  3. Select your preferred language
  4. Enter the access code (5 digits) shown on the website
  5. Select whether you wish to report a new matter or access an existing case previously reported by you and enter case number (6 digits)
  6. Enter your message or review replies to your earlier message and post your answer
  7. Log out
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